Si vous avez déjà entendu parlé d'HSF, vous savez qu'il s'agit d'un ensemble de "défis" proposés par the Dreamstress tout au long de l'année et auxquels peut participer qui veut. Comme ça fait longtemps que je vois tous ces gens participer aux différents projets et les superbes réalisations qui sont faites à partir de là, je me dit qu'il est temps que j'essaie moi même d'y participer pour me motiver à faire plus de couture ! Et me voilà donc partie pour essayer de compléter au moins 10 challenges sur 26. Bon, ça ne fait pas un sur deux et je suis déjà peut-être un peu optimiste, mais il le faut bien pour que je puisse avancer !
If you already know about HSF, you know it's a theme per fortnight proposed and hosted by the Dreamstress and to which anyone can participate. As it's been quite a while i'm following it, i think it's high time i put myself to work and actually handle a few projects myself, would that only be to help me sewing more regularly (you can guess a student's room isn't really the best place for sewing. It's double work, not only getting all sewing stuffs out but also getting everything else out of the way...). Here i am though, and aiming for at east ten projects out of 26. It's not even one out of two but i already think it's gonna be overwhelming ! :) So whatever !
Je commence mal malheureusement vu que je ne vais probablement pas pouvoir coudre beaucoup (voire du tout) pendant le mois de janvier...
Mais bon.
It starts wrong though as January was no time time to sew until yesterday... But, who cares ?
Liste des défis et début d'idées pour chacun...
So, list of the challenges and ideas of what i could do for each of them...
- #1: Make Do & Mend – due Wed 15 Jan. Let’s start of the year with a clean slate, and with a bit of a tidy up. Use this challenge as an opportunity to get your historical wardrobe in order by fixing any little bits that have worn out and gone wrong. Alternatively, you could focus on the historical precedent of making-do by re-making something into a historical garments, whether it be a bodice from a worn-out skirt, a chemise from old sheets, a bosom-friend from an old cardigan, or a new historical hat from an old modern one etc. Finally, you could just those people who had to make-do by making something for a historical character who would have scrimped and saved and re-made and mended until the fabric entirely fell apart.
- Celui ci, c'est déjà un peu tard et je n'ai pas d'idées donc non.
- It's already too late and i have nothing historical responding to this in my list so i'll just skip it.
- #2: Innovation - due Sat 1 Feb. To celebrate the way inventions, introductions and discoveries have impacted fashion, make an item that reflects the newest innovations in your era. Be sure to share the research you did on your innovation, as well as your finished item.
- Je ferai sans doute quelque chose sur la fermeture éclair dans les années 30 ! Une petite robe ?
- The zipper ! in the 30's :) little stripped dress most probably !
- #3: Pink - due Sat 15 Feb. Make something pink!
- Bon, je n'aime pas trop le rose donc à moins que je tombe sur un tissu qui me plait, je laisse tomber ce défi.
- I don't really like pink so i think i'll just skip one more ...
- #4: Under it All – due Sat 1 March. Make the foundations of your outfit: the things that go under it to provide the right shape and support, and to protect your fancy outer garments from sweat and grime
- Ce serai vraiment bien que je finisse la brassière / le corset souple pour ma robe XVIIIème grise pour cette occasion.
- Would be good if i could finish the souple corset for the grey XVIIIth century dress !
- #5: Bodice - due Sat 15 March. Make a bodice – a garment that covers the upper body. You can either abide by the strictest historical sense (see the blog post for history of bodice terminology) or can explore the idea of bodices in a more general sense.
- Peut-être un haut, pas historique du coup. J'ai justement une blouse transparente orange en projet...
- A top ? Probably not very historical though... I happen to have a orange blouse project...
- #6: Fairytale – due Tue 1 April: imagine your favourite fairytale set in a specific timeperiod, and make a historical garment inspired by the fairytale.
- Mary Poppins ?
- Mary Poppins ?
- #7: Tops & Toes – due Tue 15 April. Create an accessory that goes on your head, or on your feet.
- Probablement rien du tout, ou alors un chapeau...
- Probably nothing much, or a hat...
- #8: UFOs & PHDs – due Thur 1 May. Use this opportunity to finish off something that’s never quite gotten done, or stalled halfway through. Check out the post from last year for more information on how to interpret this challenge.
- Je trouverai sans nul doute quelque chose à finir à ce moment là, j'en ai des tas, des choses à finir...
- I'll definitely find something for this !
- #9: Black and White – due Thur 15 May. Draw on the opposite ends of the shade spectrum to create something in black and white, or black or white.
- Peut-être une chemise blanche, ou une petite robe noire :)
- White shirt or little black dress...
- #10: Art – due Sun 1 June. Make your own masterpiece based on a work of art.
- ?
- #11: The Politics of Fashion – due Sun 15 June. World affairs have both affected, and been affected by, fashions. Craft something that demonstrates the interactions between dress and political history.
- Je ne sais pas trop, peut être quelque chose de simple, avec un drapeau anglais :) ou alors une robe bleue, blanche et rouge, pour le 14 juillet...
- Probably something simple, with the union flag :) or a red, blue and white dress, for July 14th...
- #12: Shape & Support – due Tue 1 July. Make a garment that changes the silhouette of the human form through shaping and support.
- J'aurais bien dit un corset donc je tacherai d'en finir un qui traîne
- Corset ? i have a few to finish ! i need supplies though...
- #13: Under $10 – due Tue 14 July. Whip up a fabulous item for under $10 (we’ll use US$ as the de-facto standard)
- Ça c'est vraiment très facile, j'ai déjà fait beaucoup de choses correspondantes ! Probablement une adaptation à partir d'un vêtement d'occasion !
- Now this is really easy, probably adapting a thrift find :)
- #14: Paisley & Plaid – due Fri 1 August. Plaid is the most universal pattern, found in the textiles of almost all cultures and periods. Paisley is more unique and recent, but has had a lasting impact on design. Make something that utilises one or both of these patterns.
- Pas trop d'envies correspondantes pour le moment...
- Not much wants for now...
- #15: The Great Outdoors – due Fri 15 August. Get out into the weather and dirt with an item for outdoor pursuits.
- Une cape, une cape !!
- Cape !!!
- #16: Terminology – due Mon 1 September. Explore the etymology of fashion by make something defined in the Great Historical Fashion & Textile Glossary (new terminology posts and items will be added throughout the year).
- Eh bien il y en a beaucoup qui me tentent : Swiss waist, Indispensable, Froufrou, Handkerchief, Pastoralism, Pardessus, Boutonnière ... Et je n'ai fait que regarder rapidement !
- Well, i would like quite a few, just but quickly going through the list !
- #17: Yellow - due Mon 15 September. Embrace the sunny side with something in any shade of yellow.
- Quelque chose de moutarde ?
- Something moutarde ?
- #18: Poetry in Motion - due Wed 1 October Find inspiration for a garment in poetry and song.
- Arf, c'est un peu complexe. J'en sais rien
- Eh.... no idea.
- #19: HSF Inspiration - due Wed 15 October. One of the best things about the HSF is seeing what everyone else creates, and using it to spark your own creativity. Be inspired by one of the challengers item from HSF ’13 or HSF challenges 1-18 to make your own fabulous item.
- Il faudra aller voir la liste !
- I'll find something...
- #20: Alternative Universe – due Sat 1 November. Create a garment from an alternative universe: fantasy, steampunk, dieselpunk, etc. Your item can be perfectly historically accurate within our own universe as well.
- Doctor who !
- Doctor who !
- #21: Re-do – due Sat 15 November. Pick any previous challenge and re-do it (or do it for the first time). It could be one that you didn’t finish, one that you wish you’d had more time for, or any time for, or one where you loved the theme so much you want to do it again.
- à voir...
- Don't know yet...
- #22: Fort-nightliers Choice – due Mon 1 December. This one is up to you! In June I’ll ask for suggestions for a theme, and we’ll vote to pick the one you most want to do as our 22nd Challenge of the year.
- #23: Modern History – due Mon 15 December. Make something historical or historically inspired that is wearable in an everyday context.
- Robe en dentelle inspirée par les années 30 ?
- 30's again, whith lace?
- #24: All that Glitters – due Thur 1 January. Celebrate your completion of HSF ’14, and the New Year, with a glittery, glitzy, sparkly, shiny, something.
- J'ai en général du mal à porter ce qui brille, mais ça peut changer d'ici là :)
- I usually don't like brighting things to wear much, but it can change :)
Bon, en remplissant les cases j'ai signé pour 15, ce qui me laisse un peu de marge par rapport aux 10 voulus. Je ferai de mon mieux et nous verrons ce que cela donne !
Ok, filling the challenges i may do 15 fifteen of them, which gives me a bit of margin :) I'll do my best and we shall see what happens !